Nee Writes Something…

4 min readFeb 23, 2021
First 3 frames are of Spongebob holding a pencil to paper, making it seem like he’s endlessly writing an essay. The 4th frame reveals all he did was draw a really detailed illustration of the word “The”
Spongebob Squarepants, Nickelodeon

In the midst of one of my many existential crises, my older sister urged me to write. Set up a TinyLetter or a Medium and write. Specifically, write film and TV reviews because I always have opinions on movies and shows. Over the years, I’ve had countless suggestions from several people telling me to review movies and TV shows, and I’d always respond “I only know how to write scripts; I don’t have the confidence; I’m not fast enough; I don’t have an epical command of language…

So naturally, over FaceTime, I said the very same thing to my sister. She rolled her eyes and reminded me of my great university essays (she was my official proofreader for damn near every essay). Still, I was unconvinced. So she suggested that I can make it fun. Like “Nee Writes Film Reviews in Haikus” — I can’t do that. But we still edged to settling on short poetry (this will be fun. I’m not good at poetry. Do I even like poetry?). I slept on it and decided “yeah I just have to write something.” So I came up with a list of exactly what I want to do with my Medium account (will I follow through? We hope so):

Broken Word

Film, TV and sometimes book reviews as short shitty poems.

(Yes, I know spoken word is oral and this is literary but it’s all verbal, yah? And what’s the first form of poetry that you can think of? Spoken word right?)

Top Ten Best or Top Ten Worst

Ranking the 10 best or worst (or both) moments and things about a show or movie.

Friday Frustrations

It’s the end of the week so let’s air out a frustration (probably an issue from the week, or a dumb and misinformed social media post/idea).

Random Rant

Likely film or TV-related. Could be a random memory.


No, it’s not what you think. Every now and then I will write short adverts for real or fake brands/products. Just for fun. I can’t share my scripts or treatments so I may as well share a creative piece that I’m okay with a brand stealing (though my sister would not approve). This is just a way to accentuate my versatile storytelling and to diversify my forms of writing.

Moving forward, please remember the following sentences while reading my future posts: No one is above critique. Nothing is above critique. This is just for fun.

(Also, not that anyone will care, but yes, I am British, and yes I use American quotation rules instead of British/logical punctuation — it looks cleaner.)

To end with the transparency that I started with, I used to be so cool and active —some would say I still am but pffft…I’m just cool. I’ve been creating stories since forever but I properly got into writing at 13 years-old. I was a part of said sister’s blog. Then I started my own blog. Then a friend invited me to write music and concert reviews for one of her then workplaces. Then I started running for two UK music video directors/music content creators. That was all between 13–18 years-old. I had confidence in what I did. Then as I got older, the gigs and experiences started drying up and my confidence started dying out.

So yeah, I’m kinda hoping this new venture will expunge some of the insecurities and self-consciousness. I’m hoping it’ll build my confidence, especially in my writing. I just want to be cool and active again. And if I’m lucky, I’ll get hired. And I’ll create some cool work that I’m proud of. And maybe I’ll meet a nice sugar mama/sugar papi who’ll sponsor my life as a gamer and will gift me with a PS5, a gaming PC (with two monitors), a gaming chair, and maybe some pottery and clay classes.

Few things about me: Just as my bio says — and what you’ve probably picked up from reading this post — I love games (literally all forms; board games, card games, video/console and computer games, phone games, YOU NAME IT!), film and TV (including animation and anime), history (probably my favourite subject ever?!), books (fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, comics…God I love comics), music, NBA & WNBA, roller skates, durags, a gold cap on the left canine tooth, freshly squeezed lemonade, elderflower cordial, cranberry juice, travelling, and screenwriting. Queer, British-born Caribbean. Probably wouldn’t survive a zombie apocalypse. Born in 1995 so I claim millennials and millennials only x




Game-movie/TV (incl. animation & anime)-book-comic book-basketball-music-history-skate-durag enthusiast. Professional wasteman. She/her. ALL Black lives matter!